Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Assateague Island - Wild Horses

ASSATEAGUE ISLAND – MAY 14 2013: A couple of wild horses graze on North Ocean Beach.
You didn’t really think I’d write some blog posts about Assateague Island without writing one about the famous wild horses, did you?

To be honest, when I was visiting, I wasn’t so sure I’d have these images to show you. The wonderful thing about Assateague is that the wild horses can be anywhere…or hidden from sight. There’s no guarantee that you’ll see these magnificent creatures during your visit, unless you get lucky.

I had decided to check out North Ocean Beach before I left, when there were some ponies hanging around the parking lot!

ASSATEAGUE ISLAND – MAY 14 2013: One of Assateague’s wild ponies has a snack.
A couple stayed behind to graze as the others eventually trotted off, as if they somehow knew that they were who we had traveled to see (a small crowd had formed at that point).

I even got the classic Asstege Pony on the Beach shot!

ASSATEAGUE ISLAND – MAY 14 2013: A wild pony grazes on the dunes of North Ocean Beach.

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